Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A letter...

Note: This article is addressed to our English teacher, in hopes that she will read this and we will come to an understanding. We encourage our followers to read this part of the article too because hopefully they will also learn to respect our teacher’s opinion too.


Dear English teacher,

We, the ensemble of writers for this blog, are sorry to say that we will not acquiesce to any further of your requests to modify the article we write simply because you demand it. We have made certain reasonable concessions. We understand why you would want to have those things removed (image, name, derogatory terms, etc.), but we did it out of respect for your person and not because we are obligated under any federal law to do so. By asking us to remove any references to you, we consider you have crossed the boundary of what is reasonable.

We are entitled to our opinion as long as we respect yours. We have proven we do respect your opinion and your person by accepting to delete some more personal things we have posted and apologize for any inconvenience the usage of these things has caused. However, it is imperative that the respect must be mutual. We are allowed to critique your teaching methods freely. If anything, a teacher should be able to recognize and try and improve on any weaker aspects of their teaching methods (as should a student for the way he/she learns).

We also consider it was uncalled for to threaten to go to the school board when we have been compliant. We hope you realize that it is inappropriate, nor rightful, nor is it your place or in your power to threaten another Citizen of Canada with the removal of his or her rights as given to him/her by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We understand that you might have felt frustrated at what was being said, but we did not menace you of anything and so we do not expect to be menaced in turn.

The only condition under which we will accept any more requests to modify our articles is if you can find any legal antecedent for us to do so. As mentioned before, we respect that you wouldn’t want to be blatantly insulted, which is why we will also accept to delete terms on which both our factions can agree might be offensive. In return, we expect the threat to be taken back and to recognize that we are able to have an opinion and post it on this blog providing that it does not seek to simply emotionally damage the subject of the article.

Hopefully, this will conclude any further debate into the matter and we will have reached an understanding by now. Again, we are sorry for any direct offense that may have been felt by what was written.


Write something here.