Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Teachers strike

You'd think we were in Paris.

Or maybe somebody among the teacher's syndicate just want a day off to enjoy summer. (Oh by the way, it's raining today)

There wasn't much talks with the government before the strike. (Or at least, the media didn't really cover it.)
With surprising efficiency, this time, within a week, the teachers' syndicate has already decided on a day to go on strike. Pardon the chat-lingo that's going to come up but this was my face: (O.O) When they said they were going to go on strike, I just took at as a balloon of hot air. But fuck, it took off!
Usually, these things drag on and on, both sides bitching, making progress and undoing it the very next day.

No endless round-table negotiations that go nowhere? No political sparring? A preemptive strike instead?! Whoa! That's a first.

Now only if people can be more expeditious when it comes to fixing the fire alarm panel.

Oh by the way, around 1 billion dollars for a G20 summit.
57,000 $ of which for a fake lake. Which, admittedly, isn't much relatively, especially when compared to the 200,000$ toilets and the 100,000$ gazebo. But have you looked at a map of Canada lately? (Or of the area in question?)
It's so full of natural, genuine lakes that it looks like somebody bombed the place. Why would you need to make a fake lake!?It's only 10 cm or so deep, so it serves no future purpose either except as a breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Watch the video, the goof makes it funny, plus you might learn something.

Monday, June 7, 2010


I finally finished a script that I started.

Now,  I have no excuses for not updating the blog.

Hey funny thought.
Remember that firealarm panel I talked about a few posts back?
It's letting out intermittent buzzing and the "defectuosité" light comes on once in awhile again. So, if you're a fan of arson......

In other news...

Sometimes, all it takes is silence to find out just what a bitch a girl is. Some of 'em have really short fuses. If they don't get what they want, they go from sweet to bitch so fast....

Just stand there and smile, while she bitches her head off and generally makes a fool of herself. :)
Ahh sigh, what a waste of a perfectly mate-able female.


Tomorrow's post is going to be about preemptive strikes in the war of the syndicates.