Monday, March 30, 2009


In the IB program, there's lots of talk about "competences transversales". (Interchangeable competency)
It just means mixing a bunch of subjects up into one giant project, which saves the teachers from the oh-so-difficult task of coming up with project ideas. (Seesh, they just need to come up with one, we actually need to do it. It's not like there is somebody making sure they do the corrections.)

HIS=ENG is a great example of interchangeable competencies.
I got history, math, and english in there all at once!

But seriously, HIS is quasi-ENG class terms of class misbehavior.

The wannabe-teacher, aka teacher-in-training, aka TIT, aka *term deleted* as some call her, has the same problems as the ENG teacher, although on a different level. Ironically, the tallest troublemaker in our class, Prick, wasn't even there. (He is screwing Spanish chicas in Spain~envy~) Yet, everybody was talking/shouting/screaming. Poor TIT barely got to do any teaching.

Flashback: "Alors, les patriotes—"

Incidentally, she committed a very big mistake today. A very big no-no in the classroom world.
If she was in politics, it would be like Obama stepping on the podium and announcing war on every redneck in the USA.
In a nutshell, using the little "on-air" time she had (so to speak), she broadly displayed her political and personal views on the subject matter! We don't give a tiny rat's ass about which political party screwed another in the 1800s, or what you think of it, nor do we want to know about how big of an asskisser the catholic clergy was, ESPECIALLY, when we've already gone through the subject TWO times. (That's the problem with history: IT DOESN'T FREAKIN' CHANGE!—did you expect it to? What have you been snorting?) So naturally, she totally lost control of the class. Very hectic.

New feature:
The Weekly Double. Mr. Wener-style (or not) jokes supplied by Double:

"You know why I hate 'Coulomb'"
"Just listen to the word: 'Nous "Couclomb" l'examen'"
If Mr. Chamberland ruled the world..."WELCOME TO CHAMBER LAND!"

That's all folks, hope that made you end your Monday with a smile!

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