Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another reform FUCKUP

"Two middle fingers up!"

Another job well botched!

Here's the news article, read it.
(Apologies, it's in french)

"La valeur des examens est fixée par les écoles, confirme le MELS"

WHY THE FUCK DO YOU EXIST THEN? What is your purpose if not to regulate all the schools under your jurisdiction so they are all consistent and evaluations equal? Oh yes, that's right, you're there to make retarded, incoherent directives to piss teachers off and confuse students. You might as well make all the schools private and self-regulated.

What is a school year? Its 180 days where you learn stuff that'll help you for the rest of your life. But wait, to get to the next one, you need to pass the end of the year exams. But here's the fuckup, we only knew what we are evaluated on in APRIL. It's not exactly like 8 months wasted, but hey, MELS' incompetence is jeopardizing our future. If you can't get it right, don't drag us down too.

I also doubt anyone else feels differently.

It's absolute cocksnot that somebody who doesn't do anything the whole year gets the same mark as somebody who worked their ass off.

In an ideal world, test results don't matter because people are supposed to look at you; your personality, your abilities, your talents, your potential. But no, this is far from an ideal world, and only a handful of people look past your car, your appearance, your diplomas, your money, your house.

Maybe that's what happened with the directors at MELS.
Like I've said before, the best sort of evaluation is the practical kind. Throw them into a padded cell and don't let them out until they come out with a better system than this half piece of shit they've come up with. It's time they earn what we're paying them for.

They screwed up big time. If we've ever failed as completely, oh boy, oh boy...
They managed to get the teachers pissed, the students pissed, AND THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THEIR SALARY pissed. Well, at least they're good at something, I was afraid they really were completely useless.

They're saying it doesn't matter because if the results suck too much, they'll just not count it."

That's like me killing somebody and then saying it doesn't matter because plenty of people die everyday.


ps: Thanks to Skweeky for the tip


  1. Dave, as much as I agree, it's only high school bro. In Cegep, there's no reform, you choose your path. And you get good grades, I doubt you try very hard anyways :P. You shouldn't be so mad man, it's all chill.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yep yep, my anger is a little exaggerated. Gotta get some passion in there. Can't wait for Cegep.
    But there are rumors of the reform carrying over to CEGEP.
    Lets hope they remain rumors only.

  4. WHAT? Whoever started those rumors is not only retarded, but should be demoted to a position with less authority. First of all, most CEGEP's are either private, or don't give a SHIT what the government says. You can't put the reform in schools where there are sooo many classes, not to mention "unique" classes to each school. We can barely manage reforming 8 subjects, imagine a few 100? No no no, it won't happen, don't worry.


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