Thursday, April 16, 2009

What if schoolweeks were shorter...?

...say, only two days long?

While many other schools, public and private have just opted to give an entire week off, CSMB and CSL have decided to keep the movable ped days firmly anchored to pointless random days of the year and give us a taste of a two day week instead. Either to taunt us (like the completely iced-up school yard in winter featured at the end of the linked article) or to prove a point that we're harder workers or some equally weird crap, it's anybody's guess. It's an extreme headscratcher, especially when you factor in the fact that the school knew that many people are on trips now anyways and most classes can't learn anything new until they come back. It's like going on a camping trip and forgetting the tent, or preparing food for twenty people and have only two show up.

If you feel that this is going to be part of the "whining and complaining" category as the school could have given us no days off as opposed to 3, you're absolutely right. Face it, humans excel at doing two things: making mistakes and complaining. That's what got us this far. So gear up and prepare to endure some more. I excel at fucking up and complaining.

What if all our "workweek" were only 2 or 3 days long, Pok Kai asks.'s actually an idea worthy to be considered. Considering that 25% to 50% of our days at school are spent doing nothing (as in chatting, throwing stuff, recesses, sleeping, evacuating waste, etc.) Why not reduce that and compress it into 2 days? Another issue making this plausible is the notion of all those 'secondary' classes , aka, ethics, gym, art, his, that are not super important, and with the amazing amount of interchangeable competencies/disciplines (also referred to as 'making links' or 'extraneous bullshit to add difficulty'), we could integrate all of that into the 'primary' classes, aka language, math and sci and get away with it anyways. So we'll all be more efficient and still leave time for more interesting stuff. Imagine mixing math with gym, sci with ethics, language and history and well, art , we may need a separate class for that. Believe it or not, depending on your teacher, we are already doing quite a lot of this on a daily basis. Chamby does it with his humorous and pessimistic approaches to science and life, french class, with constant, bleak and repetitive reminders of the history of France, New France and the French language and the infertility of quebeckers, English class with general life etiquette, gym, with lessons about [Fiorito] democracy, and ethics with the big load of philosophy the Next Gen Teacher is entertaining us with.

By the way, the NGT is still busy at it at our school, substituting teachers in numerous subjects and spreading words of wisdom, philosophical bullshit, computer game examples, and the effectiveness of wikipedia, youtube and twitter. It's a stunning contrast when you get him in English class, or in ethics instead of the usual teacher. It's eye-opening.
BEHOLD! THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION! [Pity, by then you will be out of school huh?]

1 comment:

  1. He's a sick teacher, we had in ENG. Amen to that.


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