Friday, March 13, 2009

Teachers Teaching Teachers

We get a lot of teachers in training at CSL. So much even, you wondering if the school gets a monetary bonus. (If they are, the money isn't getting all the way down to the students. Money at CSL suffers from ice disorder; it disappears faster than than ice in a sauna.)

Us students, we need to put up with substandard "teachers" and still get evaluated just as severely. If you get a hundred more than once with the reform at our school, you either:
1-slept with the teacher if you're a girl and the teacher was a guy
2-slept with the teacher if you're a guy and the teacher was a woman
3-slept with the teacher if you're a guy and the teacher is a guy (one case)
4-you bribed 'em

One recent teacher in training couldn't write for shit! With him, the writing on the board looked like the *urine* streaks from a drunk monkey. Something was always missing (Flashback: La defniton de compresion: une membre qui subt une compretion)—I think he has a problem with nerves. Hope he gets better, all in all, he wasn't bad.

Considering the state in which CSL is in financially, equipment-wise etc, the teachers are pretty much the last shot CSL's got to attract students and they're throwing that away too. (We do have a couple good ones)
At least the teachers are getting something good out of it.
The regular teachers get somebody else to teach for them, and they get to take a period off, WHILE getting paid. The poor teachers in training don't even get paid! No justice at all, and definitely, I'm not going to become a teacher. (I have to put on with troublemakers like me and I don't get paid...awesome! Best job ever!)

I suppose it's good training for them. If they survive us, they have a *small* chance at surviving at a real school.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! In fact, teachers who "supervise" teachers-in-training (well said: get the period off) get a BONUS in their salaries for doing so! And this has been confirmed to me by a certain teacher who supervised 2 this year. No wonder we have so many stagières; who cares about our education?


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