Monday, September 14, 2009

Shi [t] mie

You know those moments where you start laughing, and then realize you're laughing at the thing in question AND yourself? And you sober up?

Or worse, cramp up for half an hour, finally regain your breath, and then realize you've been laughing at yourself? And sober up instantly?

The sudden sobering-up feeling this quote describes :

"Procrastination is like masturbation, it's a lot of fun until you realize you've just fucked yourself."

Anyways, it happened today. In chem class, hence, shi[t]mie.There's nothing like spending the whole class balancing equations, with the teacher insulting the education ministry, the reform, and everyone in it while doing examples on the board.

After awhile, depending on how slow or fast you are, you realize "Dayum, the teacher must be having so much fun." He's openly making fun of all the dumbasses that made the reform, thus the people that are making his life difficult, while teaching his subject, the un-reform way.

Ooh wait a minute...
let's go back,

I quote myself: There's nothing like spending the whole class balancing equations, with the teacher insulting the education ministry, the reform, and everyone in it while doing examples on the board.

He was also spilling his guts at how dumb we were! After awhile, I was sickened when the rest of the class still laughed at every single freaking thing he said about the reform. Hello!? He also means you! You're proving him right by laughing at every retarded shit he said. (Not to mention he was getting repetitive.)

Yes, I know it's good natured. Yes, I know it's to make the lesson more enjoyable.
But he does it every freaking time, and not just him. Somewhere, he and others must believe it to be true, at least partly.

The realization of which, brings you to this thought/feeling: "Shit, we've been really screwed."

So, instead of starting a rant on the reform yet again, in the interest of keeping it simple: LET'S MOVE TO ONTARIO!


  1. NOO!! No matter how crap things get, we must stay strong and NEVER even CONSIDER moving to...*shudders* Ontario!

    Where would we get a half decent poutine there? Or smoked meat at midnight...on a tuesday. xD


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